Anyway, as for Baby's size this week, Baby weighs 10.2 ounces and is 6.5 inches long, crown to rump (I think that's a crown to rump measurement, anyway). And adorable. I have proof. Baby's taste buds are working, and Baby is practicing swallowing by drinking lots of amniotic fluid--to the tune of several ounces a day!
As for symptoms... Movement is the most exciting and fun one. still. I am still tired most of the time, and have been ...irritable, maybe, or emotional... not sure what the right word is. Easily grumpified. Something little will happen, and I will be LIVID for a while. It's annoying, because I KNOW I'm being irrational, and that the fact that the jell-o dripped on the floor is no big deal, but OH MY GOSH DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, DOG, OR I WILL SCREAM. Yeah, it's not pretty here some days. Jon's been super nice, though...
What else... it's getting harder to breathe when I do things, like move. Stairs are... stairs are awful. I sound like a charging rhino after I clomp up a set of stairs. I have to squat instead of bend over, or my back pain (I think it's sciatic) flairs. I've been having a lot of stretching and round ligament pain, especially at night. The whole lying-in-one-position-for-several-hours-without-moving thing is not comfy on my hips and the muscles around them.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a natural (or mostly natural, at least) body cream to help moisturize my skin? I am so dry. I got this lotion from the grocery, but it just sits on my skin and when I take a bath or a shower my skin feels slimy and I'm not a fan. It has to be something without a strong smell, because sometimes the smells make me feel sick and I won't use it if I don't like the smell. (Coconut oil doesn't work, either... I KNOW someone was going to suggest that.)
*Assuming that I deliver at 40 weeks, not 42 like I'm planning.